A second product image on the product list of epages stores convinces customers more than just a one single product image. The explanation is simple: The visual stimulus of the customer doubles and the willingness to buy a product increases.
This is fundamental in online stores, since the absence of direct contact with the product requires other resources to convince the customer to buy the product.
If the product list already contains more emotions triggering elements like images, the more likely it is that the customer visits the product page and is one step closer to complete the order.
The second image of the product is shown in the same position as the main image and it appears when the customer is hovering over the product box with the mouse.
The advantages for your epages online shop and your customers:
- Doubles the visual presentation of products
- Lets you show important product details
- Increases the probability that the customer visits the product page and orders the produt
- Makes the store more interactive
The implementation takes place seamlessly at any time in all epages and without interruptions.
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Function available for all epages 6 base shops
This feature can be installed on the following epages 6 base stores: