Since June 2024, the app "Mobile Administration App" is available on the epages Now App Store. This app gives you access to the basic functions of your shop administration on a smartphone.
This app enables you to use essential features of your shop administration on your smartphone:
- Receive orders, view and essential changes
- Products listen, watch and essential changes
- Create new products with essential features (name, visibility, description, price, images, delivery, manufacturer, inventory and legal information)
Installation step-by-step
This is how you install the app "Mobile Administration App" on your shop:
- On your epages Now Shop go to "Apps" and under "Inventory Management" click on “Mobile Administration App”
- Click on the button "Install app"
- Confirm the installation of the app
- Register on the "Mobile Administration App", so that you can log into the app. The registration is free.
During the setup, enter the user data a and click on "Register"
On further usage and after registration you can login, clicking on Click "Already registered ".
- Your shop is now connected to the "Mobile Administration App"
You can now open your shop administration on your smartphone as shown here:
- For further usage on your smarthone, open your browser on your smartphone and access the address
Login into your account and you can use your shop administration on your smartphone
Very important: You can find information how to unistall the App on FAQs zur epages Mobile Administration App
Important to use the Mobile Administration App:
- The "Mobile Administration App" must be installed on your shop (see information above)
- Open the WebApp on your smartphone in your browser at
Recommended is:
Smartphone with Android 10 or iOS 10
Browser Google Chrome from version 120 or Safari from version 12
Info & Support
You can get further Information and support here:
Enjoy your epages Shop and good sales!