SEO Check-up allows you to receive a SEO report for your epages shop with the most significant suggestions for improvement.
The shop system of epages has very efficient functions, which fulfill Google SEO criterias very well. This SEO Check-up service allows you to receive a SEO report for your epages shop with the most important suggestions for improvement.
Before you get involved in larger investments for a new shop and/or advertising expenditure, we can tell you with relatively little effort what you can improve yourself first or what would make your shop turn it more attractive for customers.
Here you get an overview of this services, costs and time frame.
The SEO Check-up Service Includes:
This offer includes the following services and assessments regarding the SEO check-up of your epages shop, for which you will receive an assessment report with suggestions for improvements:
- Check-up contents
- Contents of the home page
- Contents of 2 categories
- Contents of 2 products
- Check-up of the performance
- Perür formance of the home page Desktop
- Performance of the Mobile Home Page
- Check-up of user-friendliness
- User friendliness of the home page
- User friendliness of a category page
- Usability of a product page Check-up of keywords
- home page
- category page
- product page
- Epages Backoffice
- Skype Call, TeamViewer or AnyDesk
- Online presences
- social media
- Other online presences
- report generation
- Report includes an evaluation of all listed tests
- Suggestions for improvement are mentioned for each point, if available.
- final discussion
- Once the report has been sent, a final meeting can be arranged.
What information do we need from you?
For a quick and better understanding of your business, the following information is of great use before the start of our work:
- The up to 5 most important search terms
- The 3 most important products or services you want to sell through the shop
- Shop addresses of your biggest competitors (1 to 2 competitors)
- If you colect visitor statistics data, we would like to have access to them. If you have not yet configured an application to collect visitor statistics (e.g. Google Analytics), we recommend that you do so before implementing any of our improvements.
If you need any help with this, we will be happy to assist you.
Setting up Google Account and Google Analytics: €60
Viamodul does not guarantee fixed positions in Google searches, as this would be unrealistic considering the various and dynamic factors influencing the search results. Viamodul guarantees that the specified improvements meet Google's search criteria and that this will have a positive effect on the shop's search positions.
What Services are not Included?
The SEO Check-up serves epages shop operators to carry out significant SEO improvements in their shops with their own resources.
You will also receive information on how content and presentation can be improved. The creation or modification of content or the implementation of improvements to the presentation of content is not included in the service. However, we can help you with this work.
The setup or optimization of Google Analytics, Google AdWords or Google Remarketing, as well as other applications for the collection of visitors statistics or user behavior, and the execution of advertising campaigns is also not included. Also here we can help you with different consulting services.